Sunday 27 September 2015

Raspberry Jam

We've been growing raspberries in The Albion Tavern's beer garden for a couple of years now, and this year has seen a flourishing crop of fruit. We grow a late-season variety, which is perfect for harvesting after the summer fruits have long-since been enjoyed. Here is a very easy jam recipe. 1kg of raspberries will be enough to fill four jars.

1kg raspberries
1kg jam sugar
1 lemon

1. Place half of the raspberries in a large pan with the juice of one lemon.
2. Gently heat for five minutes while mashing the fruit.
3. Strain the fruit into a bowl and then push the pulp through a sieve. Discard the leftover seeds.
4. Return the strained fruit to the pan and add the sugar. Stir over a gentle heat until all the sugar is incorporated.
5. Add the remaining fruit, then bring to a fierce boil (or 106C) for five minutes.
6. You can test the jam by placing a dollop onto a very cold plate, but I think with raspberry jam you can tell when it is starting to look glossy and sticky.
7. Allow to cool slightly then spoon into sterilised jam jars.
8. Once completely cool, jam should be set.

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